Leeds Beckett and Teachers AHEAD hosted a series of webinars

Leeds Beckett and Teachers AHEAD hosted a series of webinars in January 2020 to open up discussions around the theme of Inclusion. Here you will find an abstract for each webinar, the PowerPoint and a link to the webinar recordings.

Decolonial Efforts to Undo Education’s Racism 21 January

Glen Jankowski, Leeds School of Social Sciences Leeds Beckett University

Education is seen by many as the great mobilizer in British society; a direct way in which individuals can overcome structural inequalities in their lives. However, inequalities such as racism persist within education as evidenced by persistent attainment, employability and graduate earnings gaps between White & BAME students as well as other forms of racism. This lecture will outline contemporary racism focusing on British HE as a case study as well as efforts to undo this.

Dr Glen Jankowski is a senior lecturer in social and critical psychology. He has led the ‘Why Is the Psychology Curriculum White’ programme at Leeds Beckett University since 2015. More details on this can be found here: www.bmepsychology.com

Link to webinar http://leedsbeckett.adobeconnect.com/pjcxxkdlm4nd/

PROMISE project – the first year…… 23 January

Mhairi Beaton, Rachel Lofthouse Carnegie School of Education Leeds Beckett University

The Erasmus project ‘Promoting Inclusion in Society through Education: Professional Dilemmas in Practice’ involves partners from The Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, England, Scotland and Hungary, and is led by Dr Mhairi Beaton with additional support from Professor Rachel Lofthouse. The project has entered its second year during which partners in all countries start to work actively with teachers.  This webinar provides a chance for colleagues to hear about the work and will include an opportunity to engage with some of the vignettes which we are using as pedagogic tools to support learning which arises through making sense of teachers’ professional dilemmas. These vignettes offer a window into the world of teachers’ work and the complexity of their decision making at all career stages. The themes which emerged include dilemmas about behaviour, inclusion, transition, curriculum, pedagogy, parental involvement, working with other colleagues (both teachers and other professionals), digital learning, assessment and boundary crossing.

Dr Mhairi Beaton is Professor in Special Educational Needs at the Carnegie School of Education. Mhairi’s research interests lie at the interface of inclusion, student voice and teacher education, particularly the lived experiences of children and young people in learning environments and how hearing the voices of those children and young people and acting collaboratively with them might lead to more inclusive, participatory learning situations.

Rachel Lofthouse is Professor of Teacher Education in the Carnegie School of Education. She has a specific research interest in professional learning, exploring how teachers learn and how they can be supported to put that learning into practice. Rachel is a teaching educator and researcher. Rachel has a particular interest in how teachers learn through approaches such as coaching, mentoring, lesson study, professional enquiry and inter-professional practice. She marries these interests with a concern for the development of innovative pedagogies and curriculum design. Rachel has established the Research and Practice Centre ‘CollectivED: The Mentoring and Coaching Hub’ at Leeds Beckett University.

Link to webinar http://leedsbeckett.adobeconnect.com/p8g88g4h56pw/

Linguistic and Social Inclusion of New Communities 29 January 1330-1415 GMT

Naeema Hann, Department of Languages, Leeds Beckett University

New, arrivals to a country face multiple challenges. They need to learn the language of the country to ‘wear’ the five faces of inclusion (Taylor,2012): economic participation, health and access to services, personal independence and self determination, education, interacting with society and fulfilling social roles. This webinar shares findings from a longitudinal study which showed how new users of English invited interaction with native speakers outside their classrooms. The focus will be social strategies particularly those involving interaction. Findings from the research showed that even beginner learners are using strategies to invite interaction with expert speakers outside their classrooms. Strategies used by successful learners will be shared and webinar participants will be invited to share their experiences of strategies used by successful learners. The webinar will end with suggestions for learner training for strategy use by learners outside the classroom.

Dr Naeema Hann has taught ESOL, EAP, Urdu and Arabic in Pakistan and England and currently teachers on the MA in English Language Teaching at Leeds Beckett University. Naeema has developed materials for ESOL and Urdu, published by Becta and continues researching and writing about community languages, low literate learners and English for Work.

Link to webinar http://leedsbeckett.adobeconnect.com/rwxkrbbuz5gz/

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